Occasionally you may need to contact the product manufacturer for additional support or warranty exchanges. We have compiled a list of manufacturer contacts for our main brands here for your convenience. Please feel free to contact us to leave a comment if the manufacturer for a product you ordered from us is not here, we will be happy to assist you.
Manufacturer | Support/Warranty Contact |
3CX | Manuals, configurations: http://www.3cx.com/support/ Support portal: http://support.3cx.com/ Paid Support: 469-206-9039 |
AASTRA / Mitel | 1-800-722-1301 or http://www.mitel.com/content/technical-support-ticket-request-form |
ALGO | http://www.algosolutions.com/support/support.html or support@algosolutions.com or 604-454-3792 |
AUDIOCODES | Paid support: 1-800-735-4588 or support@audiocodes.com |
AVAYA | Contact us to determine support needed |
BOGEN | 1-800-999-2809 option 2 or support@bogen.com |
CISCO | Contact us to determine support needed |
CLEARONE | 1-800-283-5936 or tech.support@clearone.com |
CYBERDATA | http://www.cyberdata.net/support/contactsupportvoip.php |
DIGIUM | 1-877-344-4861 or http://www.digium.com/en/support/contact (May need to provide product registration code) |
DRAYTEK | http://draytekusa.com/open-tech-support-request |
EDGEWATER NETWORKS | 1-408-351-7255 or support@edgewaternetworks.com or http://edgewaternetworks.com/support/ |
FORTINET | 1-866-648-4638 or Fortinet Knowledgebase http://kb.fortinet.com/kb/microsites/microsite.do |
GRANDSTREAM | https://helpdesk.grandstream.com/ |
JABRA | 1-866-697-8757 or jabrasupport.us@jabra.om or http://www.jabra.com/ServiceMenu/contact/ContactJabraSupport/ContactJabraSupportBusiness |
KONFTEL | 1-866-606-4728 or http://www.konftel.com/Support/Contact-Support |
NEC | Contact us to determine support needed |
NETGEAR | http://support.netgear.com/general/contact/default.aspx |
NORTEL | Contact us to determine support needed |
OPENVOX | support@openvox.cn |
PANASONIC | 1-800-528-6747 option 1 to obtain a Panasonic HEAT# for replacement within 30 days of purchase. After 30 days, contact the same number for warranty ticket# to be repaired directly by Panasonic. (Repair Center information: Panasonic National Repair Center. 1615 Dundee Ave, Dock G. Elgin, IL 60120 / Phone: 847-888-7000 / Include copy of purchase invoice, description of issue, return address information, and reference Panasonic ticket#. Repairs typically takes 7-10 days) |
PATTON ELECTRONICS | 301-975-1007 or support@patton.com |
PHOENIX AUDIO | 818-937-4779 or support@phnxaudio.com or http://www.phnxaudio.com/support |
PLANTRONICS | 1-855-765-7878 or http://www.plantronics.com/us/support/index.jsp |
POLYCOM | http://support.polycom.com/PolycomService/home/home.htm or 1-888-248-4143 (Support fee may apply) |
REVOLABS | 1-800-326-1088 or support@revolabs.com or http://www.revolabs.com/support/ |
RHINO EQUIPMENT | helpdesk@rhinoequipment.com or 1-877-744-6681 or http://support.rhinoequipment.com/ |
SANGOMA | http://support.sangoma.com/ |
SNOM | https://support.snom.com/ or 781-569-2044 option 4 |
SPECTRALINK | technicalsupport@spectralink.com or 1-800-775-5330 (option 7 for DECT), RMA: nalarma@spectralink.com |
UNIDATA / INCOM | Email support only, please contact us. |
VIKING ELECTRONICS | https://www.vikingelectronics.com/registration.php |
VXI | 1-800-742-8588 or technicalsupport@vxicorp.com |
XORCOM | http://www.xorcom.com/Support-Center/ |
YEALINK | http://www.yealink.com/Support.aspx or support@yealink.com |
YEASTAR | support@yeastar.com |